"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Monday, December 29, 2008
What a self-indulgent day I had today. First a lovely breakfast and visit with dear friend Karla. Sassy Onion is great anytime but it was absolutely wonderful to have a lazy breakfast and conversation. We don't get together often but when we do, it's so comfortable and we just pick up where we left off. Thanks to blogs, we do keep up some in between visits too! Then I spent some time visiting with my mother-in-law, a gutsy 80 year old who had just come back from a long walk in the rain. After seeing the newest grandson, (he is home now), I took Dustin back to our house to get his car (Dan finished working on it). It was nice to visit with him all the way home too. We don't often get that much uninterrupted time together. He stayed to help Dan work outside on the down branches, etc. while I went to visit another friend, Caroll. It was fun seeing her grandchildren and all the differences and similarities of mine! She's another friend I don't see often, but always wonder why I wait so long. I felt a little guilty not helping Dan, but there's always tomorrow!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Firewood anyone?
Friday, December 26, 2008
We tried!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Silent Night
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
More snow
More snow-compare this to yesterday's photo. I love the icicles too but Dan said he should know them down today so they don't harm the gutters. We lost power for a bit yesterday but we have a fireplace so no harm done. We were struck with how quiet it was (no furnace cranking, etc.). It's snowing again now at 8:00 am.
Monday, December 22, 2008
We had no internet service yesterday but today it's back so we'll share what it looks like at our house. We aren't unique-everyone has something going on from the weather! Suffice it to say, we won't have as much shade next summer! Except for branches that crinkled the gutter on the shop, some branches on the garage and house (but as far as we know, didn't go through the roof), we did fairly well although it looks like someone was clear-cutting the yard!
We have several "widow-makers" still hanging up in the trees too.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Feeding Time
Monday, December 15, 2008
Be Prepared!
Notice Dusty's book and the "tool belt" on the cover.
And what did I do during the day? Speak about being prepared... although districts all around us were closed, my district chose to stay open and didn't even have a delay. In the town, there were dry roads but so, so many staff live where the snow and ice was present. Kids went outside for recess since the gym was being prepared for the Christmas program on Thursday (what's the chance of that even happening?) and some didn't have coats!!! Many teachers just kept their kids in the classrooms. I'm sure we'll be back tomorrow as well. If it has to snow, please let it dump some on my school and that town as well!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Here's more snow and more Michael!
The snow melted away during the day and now it's starting to fall again. We took the brief reprieve in the weather to head to the hospital (and the auto parts store). This picture shows Michael in his "tanning bed", but Cristal called me after we left and said that they were taking the lights away bilirubin lights and removing the oxygen. In fact, she said they were putting him in a sleeper even!
Dan is still working on the transmission--but the end is in sight. CARS!! Oh, and speaking of cars, I backed into a parked car last night at the Aumsville Community Christmas event! I had to go back inside and use my "teacher voice" to get attention to find out who I'd hit. It almost was the straw that broke the camel's back....but it's all being taken care of by our insurance and I decided it's better to count blessings than dwell on the stupid things I do!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Grandpa & Michael

Michael is under "the lights" but they hope to take out his IV today. Grandparents may soon be able to hold him as well. It's just one step at a time. As I look at this little guy, I realize again how wonderfully made we are. Psalms 139 says "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb." We have made incredible medical advances to help children who are born early, but how amazing God has designed us and the process of development as we are knit together in the womb. Worship is a natural overflow of that awe! What a special time to be reminded of another birth 2000 years ago that was amazing and changed the world!
A little snow

Dan found a transmission in Corvallis so he's got his day planned. I'm baking cookies for the school cookie exchange and then for a Christmas tea at a friends house.
I hope to get down to see baby before those activities however. The nurses said there was a slim chance he might get to come home bfore Christmas, but not to count on it. We are so grateful for all their care. Daddy stays down at the hospital all night and then heads to work at 5:30 am and mom takes over.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
New Grandson

Thursday, December 4, 2008
3 Subs-3 Days
I hate being sick! It's especially hard when you're between the stage of feeling much better than you were, but not quite back to feeling normal. My poor kids at school had three subs for the three different days. I didn't have a choice the first couple of days--no voice at all. I was planning on heading back today but really was still very wiped out and got talked into resting one more day. Trouble is, I don't feel bad enough to just sleep all day, but whatever I do try to do tuckers me out! Whine, whine, whine..... I'll stop that now and count my blessings.
Crystal is in the hospital with close contractions-not admitted yet so we don't know if this is still another false alarm or the real deal. I HAVE to get over this cold thingie so I can meet my grandson when he comes!
Crystal is in the hospital with close contractions-not admitted yet so we don't know if this is still another false alarm or the real deal. I HAVE to get over this cold thingie so I can meet my grandson when he comes!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

The day after Thanksgiving we began the task of transforming the house for Christmas. Corbyn, Morgan, and Gracey couldn't wait to get the tree decorated! I have to admit, it was great to see homemade decorations clear back to when my boys were the ages of the grandkids now and how special it was to tell the stories as we hung them. However, I was ready to quit after the tree was done but they wanted to keep going until all the tubs were emptied! Whew--time to quit acquiring! Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Morgan at Centennial
I wish I'd taken my camera to school today. Since Salem doesn't have school all week, Grandpa has been babysitting so I decided to lighten his load today and Morgan went to school with me. Since I work with just kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders, he fit right in (he's in second grade). The kids were all so surprised that I was a "Nana"! They all wanted to be his friend and loved it when he helped out. Actually, his reading level fit right into my 2nd grade group too. It was probably a good thing that he had to practice reading all day! I love that I teach at a small district where it's perfectly acceptable for a grandma teacher to bring her grandson. :>)
Tonight was filled with getting things ready for Thanksgiving---we'll all sleep well tonight!!
PS-Grandpa painted the living room today! Morgan asked if he was an artist before going into road construction. LOL!
Tonight was filled with getting things ready for Thanksgiving---we'll all sleep well tonight!!
PS-Grandpa painted the living room today! Morgan asked if he was an artist before going into road construction. LOL!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Literacy Workshop
Yesterday I drove to the other side of Eugene for a Leadership in Literacy workshop. You never know if these things will be worth the time, but in our quest to always improve (and the fact that it was a free workshop sponsored by ODE), I decided to give it a go. I was pleasantly surprised both by the content of the day AND because Bonnie R was there from Melrose! It was fun to catch up. Seems most of the old gang has retired, just 3 or 4 left. I'm excited to share the things I'm learning but I have to hit the road and do it again today. I wish I'd just stayed down there---the prospect of another long drive in the fog/rain doesn't appeal to me at all. Oh well, it's Friday!!
Dan will be at Hidden Lakes Retirement tomorrow selling some of his handi-work so he's been busy this week even without work, doing odd jobs for a lady at church and getting some things made for the sale.
Dan will be at Hidden Lakes Retirement tomorrow selling some of his handi-work so he's been busy this week even without work, doing odd jobs for a lady at church and getting some things made for the sale.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Beautiful weekend at the coast!
The coast was beautiful this weekend-sunny and actually not too cold! In fact, there wasn't any wind this morning while we went for a walk on the beach. So hard to leave! While there we had an "Owner Update" with a very nice guy who gave us all kinds of great ideas to utilize our credits to help our finances. We have a 2 bedroom condo unit booked for the week of Spring Break at the brand new Disneyland condo (we had wanted to take the grandkids-before the job loss), so we are going to list it on Craig's list. If there are no takers, then we can still cancel it by Feb. with no penalty. It should be worth at least $200 per night but we might take bids. Anyway, it was a great "light at the end of the tunnel" moment to think about being able to do something like that. For now Dan's going to be busy this week doing some odd jobs for a couple of people from church and making some things for a craft fair this weekend. :>)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
November weekend
It's been quite a weekend so far. I'm battling the "crud" and trying to stay warm at home when I received a frantic call from daughter-in-law S.K. She'd been in a car accident which totaled the van. Gracey was with her but relatively unharmed, just a "rope burn" from the seat belt. The boys needed to be picked up from where they were so I hopped in the car and went to retrieve them. We went to their house to wait since the police were just on their way to the scene. Finally, they arrived. Gracey stayed with us and a friend took S to the hospital to get checked out. She's suffering with whiplash, concussion and sore muscles. She was uninsured and it was her fault so who knows what she'll do for a car. All the guys are out of town hunting and not in cell phone range, so I took kids and let her rest. Corbyn is at his real dad's relatives for the weekend . Since they are separated, there won't be a car around for her. (Did I mention it was her birthday the next day-what a way to celebrate.) Anyway I'll keep the kids again today, but although they don't have school tomorrow--I do so they'll have to head home this evening I guess. I want so bad to protect these little ones.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Here's to new traditions!

Usually we stay home on Halloween and hand out candy (it was down last year to only about 80 kids), but we spent this year with some of the grandkids. Gary, being the activities director at a retirement home, had planned a "Safe House" Halloween night there. Since he had to work, we helped watch out for the kids. Some of the residents were operating games and having fun handing out candy. Of course, there was also loads of Halloween refreshments! Afterwards, we stopped by Grandma Belle's and then out for pizza. I think everyone else in South Salem was at the same pizza joint, but we eventually got their tummies full of something besides candy!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Application Time
Well, now it's time to fill out applications again. We've been through this in the past and the new road has always turned out to be the best thing for us, but it's hard nonetheless. There's even a job opening in Roseburg. Hmmm...what would that look like? D driving back and forth on weekends like he did when he first got the job in Salem? Moving this summer? We'll have to discuss this application a little more before it gets submitted.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Breakfast & Books
Every year we have a morning parent meeting for Title I and invite families. Yesterday was the day and we had a great turn-out. I love seeing the parents interact with their children! The spread was appreciated and the leftovers made it to the staff room---more appreciation! Some years we have questions about why their child is needing extra help but this time, in response to telling them that children may not need the extra help all year, we had comments such as: "please keep him in your group", "she loves coming to reading", etc. It's a lot of extra work but worth it for the connections we make with parents.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hunting Success is a lot of work!
The guys came back from hunting this week with a couple of deer. That made them all very happy but there's work involved with success. They spent one night butchering and sometime this weekend they'll try to fit in a sausage making session. Dan has to help with a home remodel of a friend and try to fix Dusty's car also. My biggest chore will be mowing the "back 40"! But oh, this glorious weather will make it enjoyable to be outdoors (just wishing it was on a drive through tree lined roads instead of picking leaves up off the lawn)!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Downsizing Victim
Well, it happens to everyone and more frequently these days with the economy spiraling downward, so we shouldn't be surprized it happened to us. Dan found out Thursday that beginning on this Monday, his job as it was is gone. He will have a job of sorts, hourly as needed but probably that means not much work this winter. He thinks he may work most of October (at a fraction of what he made on salary) and the "powers that be" said NO OVERTIME.
It doesn't feel very good after working at this company for 13 years to have the rug jerked out, but many others in the company are in the same boat and some even lost their jobs entirely. Gone are the days of the family owned business where people were more important that profit. The spreadsheet and bottom line are what's important. It's just the way it is now.
Our first thought was, "phew...at least we already took our vacation last summer :>)", then...oh, oh, we shouldn't have gotten the credit card balances up so high with that trip and all the household projects (i.e. new roof, new door, new gutters, yard projects and plants, etc., etc.). But then we stop and remember that we've been through this before when Gary was 6, Dusty 4 and Randy only 2 and we have an awesome God who has unlimited resources and He is able to help us make wise decisions with the income we are left with and will provide as we need. We can't know what the future holds....but we know WHO hold the future! It'll just be a new adventure. Our prayer is that we won't be bitter and will look for the blessings. :>)
It doesn't feel very good after working at this company for 13 years to have the rug jerked out, but many others in the company are in the same boat and some even lost their jobs entirely. Gone are the days of the family owned business where people were more important that profit. The spreadsheet and bottom line are what's important. It's just the way it is now.
Our first thought was, "phew...at least we already took our vacation last summer :>)", then...oh, oh, we shouldn't have gotten the credit card balances up so high with that trip and all the household projects (i.e. new roof, new door, new gutters, yard projects and plants, etc., etc.). But then we stop and remember that we've been through this before when Gary was 6, Dusty 4 and Randy only 2 and we have an awesome God who has unlimited resources and He is able to help us make wise decisions with the income we are left with and will provide as we need. We can't know what the future holds....but we know WHO hold the future! It'll just be a new adventure. Our prayer is that we won't be bitter and will look for the blessings. :>)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Belle's 80th Birthday Bash

Belle turned 80 in style on Saturday! We were thankful that the weather was beautiful, even if a little on the chilly side in late afternoon. Teresa, Dan's sis, and her husband Glenn came Wednesday to cook and help out. They were wonderful and made it easy to host this party! In fact, they deserve all the credit! We had 46 family and friends gather in our backyard to celebrate the occasion. While mom knew we were having a family barbecue, she was surprised by the folks who came. Former neighbors, friends, a sister, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and even a great-grandson attended along with all her children. (Getting all of her children together is an occasion in itself!) Some of these relatives came from Washington, California, Colorado, and one niece had just escaped the hurricane in Houston, Texas!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
September 13th-14th

It was a quick weekend for sure! I flew up to Spokane on Saturday morning and back home again Sunday afternoon. We sure packed a lot of family fun into those short hours! Five of the siblings were there, and many of my mother's grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The wedding was held on Mt. Spokane at a beautiful lodge, the bride was beautiful, the groom calm and both were perfect hosts. We had never met her family before but they were delightful. It'll be easy to blend these families--although most of her side lives in Wisconsin. My sisters and I stayed up way too late talking and then woke early to have a quick 60th birthday breakfast for the oldest sis, Diane, and then off to get sister Joanne to the airport. After church, we had a fabulous dinner of salmon that was caught and smoked by a fellow from the Aleut tribe from Kodiak, Alaska. Great weekend!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Atypical Tuesday
It was not a normal day. Dan had been having pains the night before (but of course, didn't tell his wife). At least when they worsened in the morning he headed to the Dr's office. Good move! Anyway, the Dr. did an exam and blood tests and sent him to the hospital with a possible diagnosis of diverticulitis. They needed a c-scan to determine if surgery was needed. At least at this time, Dan called and let me in on it! I was at school working and had the boys with me, so after dropping them off to Sarah, met him at the hospital. If you've gone through this before you know that you have to drink some nasty stuff for the hour before the test. They told him to not take less than the hour to do that. The c-scan was painless of course, and we went home to await the verdict. Thankfully, surgery was not needed, just a couple of medications.
After getting Dan's meds and dinner, I went back to pick up the boys from Gary for one more night. But when I tried to start the car at Gary's apartment, the battery was dead! Oh why didn't I have the jumper cables with me? He checked with his neighbors, none of which had any and then drove over to Belle's house to get hers. So, in the pouring down rain after dark, we got the task done. Not a big problem in the scheme of things, but certainly a jolt back to reality after such a relaxing vacation! Guess we're ready to start another school year now! Today I'll go get a new battery and get some more done at school. Dan? Yes, you guessed it, even though he's in pain, he went back to work! He figured he'd wouldn't hurt any more there than here!
After getting Dan's meds and dinner, I went back to pick up the boys from Gary for one more night. But when I tried to start the car at Gary's apartment, the battery was dead! Oh why didn't I have the jumper cables with me? He checked with his neighbors, none of which had any and then drove over to Belle's house to get hers. So, in the pouring down rain after dark, we got the task done. Not a big problem in the scheme of things, but certainly a jolt back to reality after such a relaxing vacation! Guess we're ready to start another school year now! Today I'll go get a new battery and get some more done at school. Dan? Yes, you guessed it, even though he's in pain, he went back to work! He figured he'd wouldn't hurt any more there than here!
Monday, August 18, 2008

I thought I'd share some favorite sunsets from this summer. The first two are from the Mediterranean and the others are in Maui! I feel very blessed to have had these experiences this summer! Now it's time to get focused on getting back to work. I'm taking the boys school shopping today so the reality is setting in for sure!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Maui trip

I just got back from a fabulous 10 days in Maui! We went over to attend a wedding reception of a dear friend and had all kinds of adventures! We loved seeing sea turtles just a block from where we stayed! Gina even saw sharks there the first day. (They feed on the turtles).
We "survived" the road to Hana---an all day journey that took us into the rainforest on Maui. There were over 600 hairpin turns and 54 one-way bridges! Luckily, we were on a tour so I didn't have to drive! Ewi, our guide, was wonderful at identifying the many kinds of fruit and flowers, trees, and pointing out the numerous waterfalls along the way. He also pointed out homes of famous folks like George Harrison and Jim Neighbors . (In fact, I brought Dan home some macadamia nuts from Jim Neighbors' farm.) At the end of the road was the seven sacred pools, each one connected by waterfalls! Gina and I tried swimming there too but the rocks were so slippery and we decided to be content with sitting on the edge.
Wednesday I drove our group up to Haleakala, the volcano, at 3:30 AM to see the sunrise-incredible, but freezing! We wrapped up in blankets from the hotel because who brings coats to Maui?
Wednesday I drove our group up to Haleakala, the volcano, at 3:30 AM to see the sunrise-incredible, but freezing! We wrapped up in blankets from the hotel because who brings coats to Maui?
We swam, body surfed and used boogie boards, and Gina learned to surf using a real surf board while we played in the waves (did I mention how warm the water is!), as well as snorkeled. It was so amazing to see all the colors on the fish and I was surprised how close to shore you could snorkel!
We had authentic islander experiences including food at the wedding reception. Everyone wa so welcoming and we felt just part of the family! They honored us with homemade leis that were so beautiful and fragrant! It was held a stones throw from the beach with a gorgeous view and sunset! Of course, all of the sunsets were gorgeous on Maui. The luau was also a lot of fun! The food was fantastic and the show very impressive and the company (the wonderful group of people we'd been sharing the week with) made the whole experience unforgetable!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Trisha's Wedding

Beautiful bride, lovely setting and... just a little rain! Who would have thought it would rain on August 1st! It really didn't matter even though it was an outdoor wedding. The dark sky was only a threatening canopy over the proceeding. During the meal at the reception a "coastal-type" mist was present, but folks didn't really seem to mind. There were parasols available, meant to keep the sun off, that protected those who wanted to be dry but most of us just doned our coats or sweatshirts dug out of the trunk and kept the party going! I loved how Curt gave Trisha his tux jacket and they both were so obviously enjoying the evening and each other. So, rain or no rain....Trisha and Curt are married!
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