"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Monday, December 29, 2008
What a self-indulgent day I had today. First a lovely breakfast and visit with dear friend Karla. Sassy Onion is great anytime but it was absolutely wonderful to have a lazy breakfast and conversation. We don't get together often but when we do, it's so comfortable and we just pick up where we left off. Thanks to blogs, we do keep up some in between visits too! Then I spent some time visiting with my mother-in-law, a gutsy 80 year old who had just come back from a long walk in the rain. After seeing the newest grandson, (he is home now), I took Dustin back to our house to get his car (Dan finished working on it). It was nice to visit with him all the way home too. We don't often get that much uninterrupted time together. He stayed to help Dan work outside on the down branches, etc. while I went to visit another friend, Caroll. It was fun seeing her grandchildren and all the differences and similarities of mine! She's another friend I don't see often, but always wonder why I wait so long. I felt a little guilty not helping Dan, but there's always tomorrow!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Firewood anyone?
Friday, December 26, 2008
We tried!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Silent Night
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
More snow
More snow-compare this to yesterday's photo. I love the icicles too but Dan said he should know them down today so they don't harm the gutters. We lost power for a bit yesterday but we have a fireplace so no harm done. We were struck with how quiet it was (no furnace cranking, etc.). It's snowing again now at 8:00 am.
Monday, December 22, 2008
We had no internet service yesterday but today it's back so we'll share what it looks like at our house. We aren't unique-everyone has something going on from the weather! Suffice it to say, we won't have as much shade next summer! Except for branches that crinkled the gutter on the shop, some branches on the garage and house (but as far as we know, didn't go through the roof), we did fairly well although it looks like someone was clear-cutting the yard!
We have several "widow-makers" still hanging up in the trees too.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Feeding Time
Monday, December 15, 2008
Be Prepared!
Notice Dusty's book and the "tool belt" on the cover.
And what did I do during the day? Speak about being prepared... although districts all around us were closed, my district chose to stay open and didn't even have a delay. In the town, there were dry roads but so, so many staff live where the snow and ice was present. Kids went outside for recess since the gym was being prepared for the Christmas program on Thursday (what's the chance of that even happening?) and some didn't have coats!!! Many teachers just kept their kids in the classrooms. I'm sure we'll be back tomorrow as well. If it has to snow, please let it dump some on my school and that town as well!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Here's more snow and more Michael!
The snow melted away during the day and now it's starting to fall again. We took the brief reprieve in the weather to head to the hospital (and the auto parts store). This picture shows Michael in his "tanning bed", but Cristal called me after we left and said that they were taking the lights away bilirubin lights and removing the oxygen. In fact, she said they were putting him in a sleeper even!
Dan is still working on the transmission--but the end is in sight. CARS!! Oh, and speaking of cars, I backed into a parked car last night at the Aumsville Community Christmas event! I had to go back inside and use my "teacher voice" to get attention to find out who I'd hit. It almost was the straw that broke the camel's back....but it's all being taken care of by our insurance and I decided it's better to count blessings than dwell on the stupid things I do!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Grandpa & Michael

Michael is under "the lights" but they hope to take out his IV today. Grandparents may soon be able to hold him as well. It's just one step at a time. As I look at this little guy, I realize again how wonderfully made we are. Psalms 139 says "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb." We have made incredible medical advances to help children who are born early, but how amazing God has designed us and the process of development as we are knit together in the womb. Worship is a natural overflow of that awe! What a special time to be reminded of another birth 2000 years ago that was amazing and changed the world!
A little snow

Dan found a transmission in Corvallis so he's got his day planned. I'm baking cookies for the school cookie exchange and then for a Christmas tea at a friends house.
I hope to get down to see baby before those activities however. The nurses said there was a slim chance he might get to come home bfore Christmas, but not to count on it. We are so grateful for all their care. Daddy stays down at the hospital all night and then heads to work at 5:30 am and mom takes over.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
New Grandson

Thursday, December 4, 2008
3 Subs-3 Days
I hate being sick! It's especially hard when you're between the stage of feeling much better than you were, but not quite back to feeling normal. My poor kids at school had three subs for the three different days. I didn't have a choice the first couple of days--no voice at all. I was planning on heading back today but really was still very wiped out and got talked into resting one more day. Trouble is, I don't feel bad enough to just sleep all day, but whatever I do try to do tuckers me out! Whine, whine, whine..... I'll stop that now and count my blessings.
Crystal is in the hospital with close contractions-not admitted yet so we don't know if this is still another false alarm or the real deal. I HAVE to get over this cold thingie so I can meet my grandson when he comes!
Crystal is in the hospital with close contractions-not admitted yet so we don't know if this is still another false alarm or the real deal. I HAVE to get over this cold thingie so I can meet my grandson when he comes!
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