Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cinderfella-the Musical!

Well, I'm absolutely forbidden to publish the pictures but your imagination will work too. Dan was the fairy godmother in an all male cast (except the prince, who a woman) of Cinderfella last night at church. The set was elaborate, the guys hilarious, and the music actually very, very good! We had a great dinner first and then this incredible comedy. If laughter is the best medicine, then none of us should be sick for a very long time!
PS-Come over to the house and I'll show you the video!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Enough already!

After reading that the govenor wants teachers to work for free to keep schools open, I just had to write him and my legislators. Actually, my district will be okay and won't be cutting days this year, although we have in the past. Still, when many of our spouses have lost jobs and the only income is our salary, I believe it's a passing the buck gesture. Let's have the senators and representatives and the like come and educate our sweeties without pay. Don't forget that they should be held accountable for the high stakes testing too! I don't mind working for low pay and taking a pay freeze (actually over the past 13 years that has been the rule not the exception), but that is my choice and not government's!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Successful First Day

The grandchildren got over the hurdle of the first day at the new school on Wednesday and grandma settled down a bit! It's hard to be farther away from them, I was used to seeing the kids and reading with them at least once during the week and that probably won't happen now but since Gary gets them on the weekends, we'll still get some "Nana and Pa" time.
Dan jumped right back into the handyman role - a teacher friend (a widow) had a soft laundry room floor that ended up being a leaky hot water heater. (She said it'd been there since the 70's). He repaired the floor yesterday and this morning is already out the door to install the hot water heater. Then he's off to help friend Sherry (legally blind) with a house project. Although we are hoping, for financial reasons, that he gets called back to work soon, I think others are hoping that he doesn't! Being busy and helpful though has been so wonderful during this long dry spell!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Education Priorities

I learned that my darling grandchildren were denied entrance to their new school yesterday because the school had not yet received the IEP and they didn't feel they were "ready" for the oldest child! IF what their mother said was true, and she filled out registration papers over a week ago---that principal was outside of the Oregon and federal law! On the other hand, schools can register children one day and ask that they come the next day if she had NOT done that ahead of time. I just envision all their nervous, smiling faces going to what they thought was their first day at a new school and then being told they couldn't stay. The "mother bear" in me wants to call that principal and tell him the ORA that requires him to take students!! Since it won't be in the kids' best interest, I'll control myself and spend some time praying for a smooth transition today.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dog Sled Race

Dan watched our neice, Jenny, in a dog-sled race while in Alaska yesterday. It sure looks cold! I think it was around 15 degrees. She and her husband just returned from Quebec after competing with the US Champion Dog Sled team. I will go pick Dan up from the airport late this evening. I can't wait!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Update on Michael

Baby Michael was admitted to Emanuel Hospital this morning for tests. I just talked to Crystal and she said the EEG came back good, they'll have to wait for results of other tests. The neurologist is leaning towards the idea that the seizures are a result of being a preemie and the way his brain is now developing, which would mean that he'd outgrow these. They will either be discharged later tonight or tomorrow. They'll have some later follow-up appointments but this seems to be the best case scenario and we're very hopeful.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little Guy ....

I spent some time in the emergency room with Crystal and baby Michael last night. (Dusty was working but got there about 11:30 pm). Michael is having seizures-I left when Dusty got there since the exam room was so little but they called and said that there was nothing they could do last night but were told to go to a pediatric neurologist.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Still working

We all put in another full day Saturday and with the help of Randy and Gary (and his kids), we moved and stacked about 3 cord of wood from our fallen trees. We've traded or given away about 3 more cords but the yard is finally looking like a residence again instead of a lumber yard! The kids got in a little "hayride" Kluver style....behind the jeep. :>)