Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catching up

I've neglected the blog but that's because I've spent so much time on the phone to folks. Immediate, if not urgent, information and questions still are handled best with a personal contact.

That being said, I depend on being able to read others blogs to see what is happening in their lives. :>) So here's a recap of ours.

On July 4th, we had over 50 folks from church here for an Ice Cream Social and to welcome our new pastor, Jim Pike. It was after that function I received word about my mom's hip injury and flew to Spokane to help. Right now my sister and her son are there. We have a big family and several of us are able to take turns being there because Gil needs someone to be with him while mom's in the rehab care center.
And now, it's only 10 days until Randy's wedding! Good friends K & N loaned Dan a tux so he's ready to go, I finally figured out what I'm wearing too. Today I'm trying to find some pictures of Randy in college and figure out why my scanner isn't working to send them to Gina's mom who is putting together a slide show of the kids. I had a pile of them but where did I put those things? It's probably too late to worry about this anyway.

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