Saturday, August 1, 2009

A little job

It didn't sound like it would take long, just paint a couple of small bedrooms for Randy & Gina. These were the rooms that the previous guy roommates had occupied. The kids picked out the colors and left us instructions. However, two of the rooms also had glaze colors, which means a faux finish. I love painting that way but it's a pretty individual taste kind of thing too and I'm not sure I have the same vision as this new daughter-in-law. Shouldn't mess up something like this right off the bat, so I think we'll play it safe and just have the base coats on and then after the honeymoon and Randy is back at work, I'll go up and do it when she can tell me if she likes the look and we'll go from there. I know, it's the chicken's way out but a mother-in-law should always play it safe! PS-Dan actually did the painting today. He's so picky and wants to do it himself so I removed switch plates, mowed the lawn and cleaned up behind him. :>)

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