Friday, September 26, 2008

Downsizing Victim

Well, it happens to everyone and more frequently these days with the economy spiraling downward, so we shouldn't be surprized it happened to us. Dan found out Thursday that beginning on this Monday, his job as it was is gone. He will have a job of sorts, hourly as needed but probably that means not much work this winter. He thinks he may work most of October (at a fraction of what he made on salary) and the "powers that be" said NO OVERTIME.
It doesn't feel very good after working at this company for 13 years to have the rug jerked out, but many others in the company are in the same boat and some even lost their jobs entirely. Gone are the days of the family owned business where people were more important that profit. The spreadsheet and bottom line are what's important. It's just the way it is now.
Our first thought was, " least we already took our vacation last summer :>)", then...oh, oh, we shouldn't have gotten the credit card balances up so high with that trip and all the household projects (i.e. new roof, new door, new gutters, yard projects and plants, etc., etc.). But then we stop and remember that we've been through this before when Gary was 6, Dusty 4 and Randy only 2 and we have an awesome God who has unlimited resources and He is able to help us make wise decisions with the income we are left with and will provide as we need. We can't know what the future holds....but we know WHO hold the future! It'll just be a new adventure. Our prayer is that we won't be bitter and will look for the blessings. :>)

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