Monday, September 6, 2010

State Fair

Yesterday, thanks to some generous neighbors who gave us free tickets, we took Morgan & Gracey to the fair. One of the highlights was the dinosaur exhibit! These guys moved and roared and looked real enough to scary Gracey , although she insists she was only scared the first time through! The other shows we watched were free and very good too-the Chinese acrobats and the hypnotist!
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Miles and Miles...

The road between here and Spokane seems more familiar than ever! The gorge is beautiful but the miles and miles of desert and sagebrush do get old after a while. However, I discovered while traveling this road alone 5 times this year (counting each direction) that it provides a wonderful reflection and worship session! Singing in the car is like singing in the shower! No one hears the off notes but the Creator and he wants us to "make a joyful noise"! We all need solitude although it's hard to come by in our busy lives. I'm thankful for this unexpected gift. I enjoyed the time with mom & Gil too immensely but am grateful that the 6th time along the road was with my husband, who flew up this weekend to help with the work at mom's place and then drive back with me!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mini Miracles

Sometimes in the middle of these larger life events small miracles go unnoticed and unappreciated. Yet when we look, they are all around us!
For instance, last night our church was broken into again. Several police responded (including canine officers) and apprehended one suspect. The police were very thorough and remained a few hours fingerprinting, collecting evidence, etc. (My husband was there too to help with information needed about the church contents.) Anyway, Dan came home about 6:30 am and shortly received a call from one officer who was missing his camera and thought it had been left at the church. Dan met him at the church and they scoured it and even the parking lot but found nothing. (The officer thought he might have left it on the trunk of the car while filling out the report). Just before church was to begin that officer called to let us know that after calling his wife and asking for prayer, and being off duty he began heading home and should have gone south on I-5. Instead he found himself heading north and thought-"Boy, am I tired. Why did I take this ramp!" And at that moment spotted his camera along the road! (Ah, so he had left it on the trunk and driven off). We have a God who specializes in finding the lost---He found me when I was lost just like he found this tired officer's camera.
Mini miracles are all around us. Look for one today-ask for one!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Two of a Kind

Grandpa and DJ are quite a pair! I really needed a video camera and not just a phone camera yesterday for their antics. I'm sure there was some telepathy going on! (DJ is almost 5 months old now!)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grandma's slumber party!

I found PJ's that were pretty close to some Gracey had so we decided to have a little slumber party! Gracey thought it was pretty funny to get to whack me with a pillow!

On another note, I've discovered that I only have the will to either facebook or blog, but not both. Time management isn't my strong point.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's been quite a weekend!

We thought it would be a laid-back, putter-around-the -house weekend. Oh, how wrong we were! Our not-quite 2 month old grandson was taken to Doernbecher Hospital Friday evening with RSV, which is serious in infants. That left one-year old Michael and big brother Jacob with us (and poor little Michael is sick too). I've spent many, many sleepless nights rocking a sick baby but it was over 25 years ago! But love doesn't see how old we feel, just need! There are blessings tucked in amongst these times too. D & C were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald house for instance, and today Michael is able to finally sleep and take a nap without being held and we are told that DJ has turned the corner and may get out of ICU tomorrow! PTL! Today I have 5 of the grandchildren but they are entertaining each other so this sleepy grandma is coping.
PS-Dusty will come home later this evening to watch the kids since I have to work tomorrow.